Sonntag, 15. Oktober 2006

Macros und UI in Bruning Crusade

Faraleth hat im US-Forum einen sehr interessanten Artikel zu den anstehenden UI-Änderungen gepostet und wie - vor allen Dingen Paladine - damit leben müssen.

With TBC breathing down our necks, and new talents ready to be put in our interfaces and macros, its important for us to understand how the UI will be changing come expansion time. After researching it, I realized that things will be very different for me and I will have to relearn my play style.

Here are some questions and answers for paladins wondering about the future of controlling their characters

Q: Should I care about this?
A: If you are level 60 and use at least one mod or one macro, I would suggest at least reading to see what goes on. Even if you don't meet these conditions, macros and mods can increase your capability and they are in the game to make you a more agile and flexible player. The only limit to how powerful you are with your paladin is knowledge.

If any one class has been affected most by this, it is probably the paladin due to our combat system and constant shifting between enemy and ally.

Q: Can you give a summary of what is happening?
A: Sure, the biggest thing to consider is that add-ons and macros can no longer intelligently decide who to target and what spell to cast

Q: And this will affect me how?
A: The biggest thing is probably decursive is gone. Other general things to consider are that you can’t have one button to cast a seal and press it a second time to judge it. You won’t be able to instant target allies who get agro and cast righteous defense on them. Also you cannot cast a blessing based on what class they are. Every button corresponds to only one spell ability.

Q: Anything else?
A: Targeting and auto rank casting is gone. You can’t have a macro that heals any ally near you with the lowest health. Add-ons and macros won’t decide what rank of a spell to cast for you. More then 75% of the macros listed in the paladin macro FAQ will be obsolete come expansion time.

Q: Do I need to have all these lower levels of BOW in my toolbar just to cast it on low levels?
A: Nope, the standard UI automatically cast the highest rank possible for targets that are too low level for some of your blessings. Something to cheer about!

Q: OMG my decursive. WTF happened to it. Why are you telling me this? DIAF
A: Well that wasn’t a question, but I guess I’ll answer it. Basically the raid design team has pushed something like this, and I like this move. Raids won’t be designed with the notion of having encounters built for decursive. If you want to cleanse, you will have to manually select your target and cleanse them

Q: So we get nothing to make it easier for us?
A: Sure we do! For one, you can still receive information that will let you know if someone has gotten infected with something you can cleanse. Also targets can be made more noticeable to you with glowing, bleeps or other attention grabbing effects.

Q: Why do I have to select the target and the cleanse key amongst the other 25+ buttons I already use.
A: On top of the interface being allowed to make allies and enemies more noticeable, you can effectively key bind spells and abilities in a near infinite way. You can map cleanse out to #@!@-click. And then just shift click on a target and cleanse them, all without losing your previous target! Also you can even set things up so that menus pop up when you select them and you can chose from FOL or HL or cleanse or some blessing

Q: So what’s the deal with targeting?
A: You basically cannot switch targets unless you explicitly click on the person or the person’s frame, or have a button on the keyboard that is explicitly for that one member. One button cannot switch between two targets. The only way to switch is to designate a ‘focus’ character. Also you can target your last target. Don’t forget /assist


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3 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Und es gibt schon zuwenig Heiler... Prima ins Knie gef* Blizzard

Glyxbringer hat gesagt…

Solche Geschichten wie "Fokus" und graphische "Übersetzung" von Debuffs klingen doch sehr interessant.

Natürlich ist es schade, dass Blizzard Interaktivität durch Rückschritt erreichen will.

Es wird sich zeigen, wie sehr man auf diese Tools angewiesen ist oder ob die neuen Ergänzungen dieses Loch ausfüllen können.


Anonym hat gesagt…

Fakt ist doch bitteschön, das für Heiler im Standardinterface nichts aber auch garnichts getan wurde. (Sofern ich mich an die Standard-UI noch erinnern kann^^)

Man kann sich anzeigen lassen wer Heilung benötigt und dann schnell zum Fokus zurückswitchen. Toll, super -grr- Aber Spruch benutzen und direkt auf die Anzeige klicken ist nicht. Also hat man einen Klick mehr. Ich sag' ja garnix von wegen automatisch Spruch wählen, aber bisschen Unterstützung sollte schon sein. Der Schwertschurke hämmert z.B. nur auf finsterer Stoss. mehr braucht der eh nicht ;) Warum baut B. die angepasste Heilung nicht direkt ein, wenn wir schon das Ziel selbst auswählen müssen. Ja, es ist nicht sonderlich schwierig, aber DD-Klassen haben es bedeutend einfacher.